
Step 1: Set up the Display

To play Delphi, you will need one device to use as the display which all players will need to be able to see. To set up a device as the display, open on the device.

With the room code on screen, use another device to set up the room at On that website, choose the number of teams, type of cards, and other options to fit your play style. After clicking, “Setup”, an orange button will appear on the display to open the room.

Once you open the room on the display device, place the device in an spot where all players can see it, or screenshare the page over a video calling service.

Step 2: Players join the game

Every team needs two players and each player needs a device. Each player’s device will act as their remote, connecting them to the game. To connect to the room, each player can either scan the QR code on the display or visit and enter the room code. Then, each player must choose a username, team, and role. (Team and role options will only appear if they are still available.)

Once all the teams are filled, the game will start.

Step 3: Compete!

The display device won’t accept any inputs once the game has started and will update on its own. Prompts on each player’s remote should be self explanatory, if not, refer to the rules.

Step 4: Play again?

After the game is over, the winners will be shown on the display for a short period. After that, a new room code will be displayed for players to join if they want to play again. The team count and settings will remain the same as last game. If you want to change the game settings, you will have to reload the website on the display device and set up the room again.